Create and send a customer invoice

Creating a new invoice is fast and easy with Send customers electronic invoices and get access to recurring invoices, automatic payment reminders, automatic overdue notices, electronic payments through ACH, and more.

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Create invoice and email to customer

  1. Select Invoices in the navigation menu
  2. Select Create Invoice
  3. Enter Invoice Details
    • Account, Department, Location and Class (if enabled) will carry over to additional line items but are editable
    • To tax a line item check the Tax box
    • Tax field: Select an existing tax item or select Add new tax to add a new tax item
    • Credits: credit memo and/or unapplied payment balances will appear here; enter an amount if you want to apply any available credit to the new invoice. The balance will auto-calculate.
    • Use basic math operators (+, -, *, /) when entering numbers in amount or quantity fields. The system will do the math for you.
    • Add attachments if necessary, from your Inbox or uploaded from your computer
  4. Select to Send via email
  5. Auto Charge: if the customer is setup on auto charge, you can opt to exclude single invoices from Auto Charge. Uncheck the box to remove the invoice from Auto Charge.
  6. Select Preview & Send
    • Enter email addresses to send the invoice to, as applicable. We pre-populate the email on the customer's record.
    • Customize the email message if applicable
  7. Select Send
    • If the customer is connected via the BILL network, the invoice will be sent straight to their BILL account
    • If the customer isn't connected via the BILL network, the invoice will be sent via email

Create invoice and schedule to email later

  1. Select Invoices in the navigation menu
  2. Select Create Invoice
  3. Enter Invoice Details
    • Account, Department, Location and Class (if enabled) will carry over to additional line items but are editable
    • To tax a line item check the Tax box
    • Tax field: Select an existing tax item or select Add new tax to add a new tax item
    • Credits: credit memo and/or unapplied payment balances will appear here; enter an amount if you want
    • Use basic math operators (+, -, *, /) when entering numbers in amount or quantity fields. The system will do the math for you.
    • Add attachments if necessary
  4. Auto Charge: if the customer is setup on auto charge, you can opt to exclude single invoices from Auto Charge. Uncheck the box to remove the invoice from Auto Charge.
  5. Select to Send via email later
  6. Select Save

Create invoice without sending

  1. Select Invoices in the navigation menu
  2. Select Create Invoice
  3. Enter Invoice Details
    • Account, Department, Location and Class (if enabled) will carry over to additional line item but are editable
    • To tax a line item check the Tax box
    • Tax field: Select an existing tax item or select Add new tax to add a new tax item
    • Credits: credit memo and/or unapplied payment balances will appear here; enter an amount if you want
    • Use basic math operators (+, -, *, /) when entering numbers in amount or quantity fields. The system will do the math for you.
    • Add attachments if necessary
  4. Auto Charge: if the customer is setup on auto charge, you can opt to exclude single invoices from Auto Charge. Uncheck the box to remove the invoice from Auto Charge.
  5. Uncheck email under Send Via
  6. Select Save or Save and new to create additional invoices

Send a single saved draft invoice

A draft invoice is an invoice that has never been sent. The status shows as Unsent on your invoice list.

  1. Select Send invoices
  2. Select the invoice number to send
  3. Select Send invoice
    • Enter email addresses to send the invoice to, as applicable
    • Customize the email message if applicable
      1. Select Edit in the Email body
      2. Make any edits
        • Customize your email with tokens - tokens are placeholders that let us know what information to include in an email. We'll replace these tokens with the right information each time you send an invoice
      3. Select Save
  4. Select Send
    • If the customer is connected via the network, the invoice will be sent straight to their account and appear on their To-Do List
    • If the customer isn't connected via the network, the invoice will be sent via email

Send saved draft invoices in bulk

A draft invoice is an invoice that has never been sent. The status shows as Unsent on your invoice list.

  1. Select Send invoices
  2. Check the boxes next to the invoices to send
  3. Select Send invoices
  4. Select Edit for each invoice if needing to add emails to the CC field
  5. Select Review & Send
    • Customize the email message if applicable
      1. Select Edit in the Email body
      2. Make any edits
        • Customize your email with tokens - tokens are placeholders that let us know what information to include in an email. We'll replace these tokens with the right information each time you send an invoice
      3. Select Save
  6. Select Send Invoices

Add a logo to invoices

If you upload a logo to your account, we'll automatically add it to invoices you send to customers.

  1. Select Settings
  2. Select Logo under Your Company
  3. Select Browse or Choose File and locate your logo file
  4. Select Upload

Formats supported The logo image must be in one of the following formats:

  • .jpg
  • .gif
  • .png

Image Size The default image size is 100 pixels (width) by 50 pixels (height). If you upload a larger image, it'll be scaled to the default size. The image provided will have the same aspect ratio (2x wide by 1x high) as the default image to make sure legibility when scaled.

What does my customer receive?

When you send an invoice to your customer, we send 1 separate email to each address in the To field. Any addresses in the CC field will be copied on the email to the main customer contact.

The email will have the subject You have an invoice from {vendor name} due on {due date}, and will include:

  • Invoice #
  • Amount Due
  • Due Date
  • A .pdf version of the invoice
  • Any attachments you added to the invoice
  • A link to either login if they have an existing account, or to create a portal account to pay you

If you are connected to your customer through the network, when you send an invoice, we'll send the email and also create a bill in their account so they can pay you.

customer invoice email

How does my customer pay the invoice?

When you send an invoice, it includes a link for your customer to either login if they have an existing account, or to create a portal account to pay you.
customer invoice email

After they either create a portal account or login to their existing account, they can manage payment methods, manage invoices, and schedule payment depending on their account type.

Things to know

  • We send 1 separate email to each address in the To field, any addresses in the CC field will be copied on the email with the main customer contact email.
  • Any addresses added to the CC field will automatically be added as a Contact for the Customer, if it doesn't already exist
  • Invoices sent in bulk to a single customer will be issued/delivered separately.