Refund a customer
To refund a customer through, add them as a new vendor in your account and send them a payables payment.
- Note: When adding a new vendor in, the new vendor's name can't be the same as the existing customer's name. You'll want to change the name to something unique. For example, if the customer's name is ACME, you could make the vendor name ACME - V.
If your customer has an account in the Network:
- If your account is connected to theirs in the Network, you can use the same Payment Network ID (PNI) to connect to them as a vendor
- Find their Payment Network ID under the Details tab of their customer record in your account
- Add their PNI to their vendor record in your account
If your customer doesn't have an account in the Network:
- Send them an invite so they can create an account and add their own bank account information
- Send them a paper check
If you have an open credit memo for the customer:
- You can delete the credit memo after you refund them
- You can't write off credit memos or mark as refunded in, you can delete, apply to an invoice, or leave it open
Account Setup View all
Making Payments to your Vendor View all
Getting Paid by your Customer View all