Add, edit, archive, or restore vendors

To add, edit, archive or restore a vendor, your role must include the permission to Manage Vendors.

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Add a new ePayment vendor

  1. Select Vendors in the navigation menu
  2. Select Add Vendor
    • Or select Add your first vendor
      Vendor zero state
    • Selecting import your vendors will:
      • Redirect to the sync setup page if an accounting system we integrate with was selected
      • Redirect to our Import/Export tool to import the vendor list via .CSV if an accounting system we don't integrate with was selected
  3. Enter vendor name
    • Possible network connections will be presented, if there are no matches proceed with the following steps, or attempt Advanced Search
      1. Select Advanced Search and search by company name, email address, and/or zip code
        • If there are no results for all search terms, search will return results based only on company name
      2. If you see a match with your vendor, select Request to ePay
        • If there are no results, continue with the following steps to add the vendor manually
  4. If no matches are found in the Network, enter the vendor's email address, physical address, and select your Vendor's bank location
    • Vendor bank location field will default to the same country selected in the vendor's address
    • This field must be set to United States to send ePayments
    • If you want to pay an international vendor with your American Express card, make sure the vendor's country and Vendor bank location is set to United States
    • Note: vendor bank location field won't appear on vendors connected through the Network
  5. Select to pay vendor via ePayment in one of two ways:
    • ePayments - I want to invite my vendor to manage their own free Network account
      • Select View and edit email invitation to preview or customize the invitation
    • ePayments - I have my vendor's bank account info and I'll manage it myself for now
      • You can still send an invite for the vendor to manage the information themselves in the future by selecting Invite my vendor to join and manage their own bank info
      • Enter the vendor's bank info
  6. Enter additional vendor details
  7. Select Add vendor and send invite

Vendor invitations expire after 60 days if not accepted.

Add a new check vendor

  1. Select Vendors in the navigation menu
  2. Select Add Vendor
    • Or select Add your first vendor
    • Selecting import your vendors will:
      • Redirect to the sync setup page if an accounting system we integrate with was selected for the account
      • Redirect to our Import/Export tool to import the vendor list via .CSV if an accounting system we don't integrate with was selected for the account
  3. Enter vendor name
    • Possible network connections will be presented, if there are no matches proceed with the following steps, or attempt Advanced Search
      1. Select Advanced Search and search by company name, email address, and/or zip code
        • If there are no results for all search terms, search will return results based only on company name
      2. If you see a match with your vendor, select Request to ePay
        • If there are no results, continue with the following steps to add the vendor manually
    • Note: connecting to a vendor within the Network will change the payment method to ePayments if the connected vendor has a valid bank account. You can disregard the Network matches and continue adding as paper check vendor if you'd like
    • The maximum number of characters that will print in the payee field of a check is 60
  4. If no matches are found in the Network, enter the vendor's email address, physical address, and select your Vendor's bank location
    • Vendor bank location field will default to the same country selected in the vendor's address
    • This field must be set to United States to send paper checks. Paper checks aren't available for non-US vendors
    • Note: vendor bank location field won't appear on vendors connected through the Network
  5. Select Pay this vendor with checks sent in the mail
    • If an email address is entered for the vendor, check the Invite vendor to fill out vendor profile box to send an invitation to the vendor after they are saved, inviting them to create a free Network account to receive ePayments
  6. Enter Payment Information
    • Pay to name is the name we'll use as the payee on the check. If the pay to name is left blank, we'll use the vendor name as the payee on the check.
    • Payment Notification Email is the email address we'll use to let the vendor know when a payment is on the way
  7. Enter additional vendor details
  8. Select Save

Edit an existing vendor

  1. Select Vendors in the navigation menu
  2. Select the vendor name you'd like to edit
  3. Select Edit
  4. Edit the vendor's information
  5. Select Save

Archive (inactivate) a vendor

  1. Select Vendors in the navigation menu
  2. Select the vendor
  3. Select the three dots next to Edit
  4. Select Archive vendor
  5. Select Confirm

For auditing purposes, archived vendors cannot be completely removed from your account, but you cannot pay an inactivated vendor.

Restore an archived (inactivated) vendor

  1. Select Vendors in the navigation menu
  2. Select Filters
  3. Select Archived under Status
  4. Select Apply
  5. Select the name of the Inactive Vendor
  6. Select Restore

Things to know

  • You cannot put a vendor on hold. You can archive a vendor, which retains the bill and payment history but doesn't allow you to send new payments. When you'd like to resume payments, you can restore the vendor.
  • Per federal regulations, a full address will be required to be added to a vendor record before a payment can be made to that vendor
  • An email address is also required for every vendor to help prevent fraud and maintain the accuracy of our payment network
  • The maximum number of characters that will print in the payee field of a check is 60