Xero: Vendor Preference setting to not sync transactions from Xero
For accounts syncing with Xero, there's am optional vendor preference to set Bills and Vendor Credits not to sync from Xero into Bill.com. For vendors that are normally not paid via Bill.com, this setting prevents double entry of marking bills as paid offline going forward.
Set a vendor bill sync preference
- Select Vendors in the navigation menu
- Select the vendor name
- Select More actions
- Select Edit Vendor
- Scroll down to the Bill sync preferences field in the Additional Information section, select Do Not Sync Bills. Select Sync Bills to resume bill sync for this vendor.
- Select Save
Things to know
- When you disable bill sync for a vendor, bills that have already synced in from Xero will remain in Bill.com
- Any updates you make to these bills in Xero won't update in Bill.com
- When you enable or resume bill sync for a vendor, you'll need to make an update to bills that synced over before you turned sync off, in Xero, to reconnect the bill to Bill.com
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