Paying bills via Vendor Pay

From the Bills to Pay tab, you will pay each bill individually.

Pay Bills using Vendor Pay

  1. Next to the bill, select Review & pay
  2. Select the American Express Card
  3. Ensure the date to send payment is accurate
  4. Add a memo if applicable (70 character limit)
    • By default, the memo will contain an Invoice # and account #, if available on vendor's record
  5. Edit the payment info email if desired
  6. Select Pay

Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at 9.35.15 AM

Once the payment is scheduled, this payment confirmation screen will be displayed:

Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at 2.12.48 PM

Things to know

  • Any users with the relevant permissions can make payments using the American Express Card. User nominations are not required.
  • Bulk pay is not available for bill payments to multiple vendors in Vendor Pay. Bulk pay is available if paying multiple invoices to the same vendor.
  • Vendor will have to enter the Virtual Account Number into the merchant point-of-sale system before the payment will be in a paid status.
  • BILL’s Pay By Card, which allows payment with any US credit or debit card for a 2.9% fee, is not available on Vendor Pay.