Xero sync error: This bill has a payment or credit applied or is deleted in Xero. Any changes to this bill should be recorded manually in Xero.

Why the sync error occurs

This error occurs when a bill is already marked as fully paid in Xero or is no longer in Xero and the sync is unable to complete the update.

How to fix the sync error

If the bill is in Xero, but is paid or has a credit applied:

  1. In Xero, manually update the bill

Once the bill has been updated in Xero:

  1. Select Resolve for the error on the sync status page
  2. Select I've updated this Bill in Xero; remove this error and sync future updates
  3. Select confirm selection
  4. Sync again

If the bill is missing from Xero:

Contact Customer Support to resync the bill to Xero