QuickBooks Desktop sync error: The bill payment XX cannot be synced because the corresponding bill cannot be found in QuickBooks or a payment has already been recorded for this bill in QuickBooks

Why the sync error occurs

This error occurs when a payment is trying to sync from Bill.com to QuickBooks Desktop, but the bill has a payment already applied in QuickBooks (status "Paid"), or the sync can't locate the bill in QuickBooks.

How to fix the sync error

Payment was recorded manually

Delete the manually recorded payment on the bill in QuickBooks. This will allow the payment record from Bill.com to sync to QuickBooks in the next sync. If you can't delete the payment, contact Customer Support to clear the error

Bill no longer exists in QuickBooks

In Bill.com:

  1. Select Settings
  2. Select Status under Sync
  3. Select the option Have Bill.com recreate the bill in QB on the sync error
  4. Select Next
  5. Sync again

If you don't see the option to recreate the bill, contact Customer Support to get the bill re-synced, or the error cleared.