Import vendor credits
The following is a list and explanation of each of the fields you can include when importing vendor credits.
Important Note: If you sync with an accounting system, we don't recommend importing records via CSV into℠ unless they don’t exist in your accounting system at all to avoid duplicates and sync errors.
Field Name | Required? | Key Field? | Maximum Length | Description | Accepted Values | Additional Information |
Active? | No | No | NA | Denotes if this Vendor Credit is active or inactive | - Active - Inactive |
- Read only - Cannot Activate or Inactivate existing vendor credits via import |
Vendor Id | No | Yes | 20 characters | The Vendor Id of the Vendor for this Vendor Credit | - Once set, this field cannot be updated via import - Requires an exact match with the desired Vendor's Vendor Id (for updating) - If Vendor Name and Vendor Id are both populated for a Vendor, both must be provided to correctly identify that Vendor |
Vendor Name* | Yes | Yes | 100 characters | The Vendor Name of the Vendor for this Vendor Credit | - Once set, this field cannot be updated via import - Requires an exact match with the desired Vendor's Vendor Name (for updating) - If Vendor Name and Vendor Id are both populated for a Vendor, both must be provided to correctly identify that Vendor - The desired Vendor must be active in |
Ref #* | Yes | Yes | 100 characters | The reference number for this Vendor Credit, typically provided by the vendor | - Once set, this field cannot be updated via import - Requires an exact match with the desired vendor credit's reference # (for updating) |
Credit Date* | Yes | Yes | NA | The credit date for this Vendor Credit, typically provided by the vendor | - Once set, this field cannot be updated via import - Requires an exact match with the desired Vendor Credit's Date (for updating) - Dates must be formatted MM/DD/YY, MM/DD/YYYY, MM-DD-YY, or MM-DD-YYYY - Single digits do not require a leading zero |
GL Posting Date | No | No | NA | The date that this Vendor Credit is posted to your general ledger in your accounting system, if supported | - Dates must be formatted MM/DD/YY, MM/DD/YYYY, MM-DD-YY, or MM-DD-YYYY - Single digits do not require a leading zero |
Description | No | No | 4000 characters | The description of this Vendor Credit | ||
Vendor Credit Line Item Amount | No | No | NA | The amount for this line item on this Vendor Credit | - Must be in the range of -9999999 to 9999999 - Does not support fractions of cents - If this is left blank, it will appear as blank; this is treated as $0.00 - Accepts values with or without a $; negative values must omit the $ |
Vendor Credit Line Item Account Number | No | No | 40 characters | The Account Number of the Account that this line item is coded to | - Requires an exact match with the desired Account's Account Number - If Name and Account Number are both populated for an Account, both must be provided to correctly identify that Account - The desired Account must be active in |
Vendor Credit Line Item Account Name | No | No | 250 characters | - The Name of the Account that this line item is coded to - This line item defaults to an Expense line item if an account is provided |
- Requires an exact match with the desired Account's Name - If Name and Account Number are both populated for an Account, both must be provided to correctly identify that Account - The desired Account must be active in |
Vendor Credit Line Item Department Short Name | No | No | 40 characters | The Short Name of the Department that this line item is coded to, if supported by your accounting system and enabled in | ||
Vendor Credit Line Item Department Name | No | No | 100 characters | The Name of the Department that this line item is coded to, if supported by your accounting system and enabled in | - Requires an exact match with the desired Department's Name - If Department Name and Department Short Name are both populated for a Department, both must be provided to correctly identify that Department - The desired Department must be active in |
Vendor Credit Line Item Location ID | No | No | 40 characters | The Location ID of the Location that this line item is coded to, if supported by your accounting system and enabled in | - Requires an exact match with the desired Location's Location ID - If Location Name and Location ID are both populated for a Location, both must be provided to correctly identify that Location - The desired Location must be active in |
Vendor Credit Line Item Location Name | No | No | 100 characters | The Location Name of the Location that this line item is coded to, if supported by your accounting system and enabled in | - Reqires an exact match with the desired Location's Location Name - If Location Name and Location ID are both populated for a Location, both must be provided to correctly identify that Location - The desired Location must be active in |
Vendor Credit Line Item Job Name | No | No | 100 characters | The Job Name of the Job that this line item is coded to, if supported by your accounting system and enabled in | - Reqires an exact match with the desired Job's Job Name - If Job Name and Job ID are both populated for a Job, both must be provided to correctly identify that Job - The desired Job must be active in |
Vendor Credit Line Item Job ID | No | No | 40 characters | The Job ID of the Job that this line item is coded to, if supported by your accounting system and enabled in | - Reqires an exact match with the desired Job's Job ID - If Job Name and Job ID are both populated for a Job, both must be provided to correctly identify that Job - The desired Job must be active in |
Vendor Credit Line Item Customer ID | No | No | 40 characters | The Customer ID of the Customer that this line item is coded to, if supported by your accounting system and enabled in | - Requires an exact match with the desired Customer's ID - If Customer Name and Customer ID are both populated for a Customer, both must be provided to correctly identify that Customer - The desired Customer must be active in |
Vendor Credit Line Item Customer Name | No | No | 100 characters | The Customer Name of the Customer that this line item is coded to, if supported by your accounting system and enabled in | - Requires an exact match with the desired Customer's Name - If Customer Name and Customer ID are both populated for a Customer, both must be provided to correctly identify that Customer - The desired Customer must be active in |
Vendor Credit Line Item Billable? | No | No | NA | Denotes whether this line item is billable to its coded customer | - Yes - No |
Requires an exact match with the accepted values |
Vendor Credit Line Item Description | No | No | 4000 characters | The description of this line item | ||
Vendor Credit Line Item Item Name | No | No | 100 characters | - The Name of the Item that this line item is coded to, if supported by your accounting system and enabled in - If provided, the Type of this line item will be Item instead of Expense |
- Requires an exact match with the desired Item's Name - The desired Item must be active in - If Name and Item ID are both populated for an Item, both must be provided to correctly identify that Item |
Vendor Credit Line Item Item ID | No | No | - The Item ID of the Item that this line item is coded to, if supported by your accounting system and enabled in - If provided, the Type of this line item will be Item instead of Expense |
- Requires an exact match with the desired Item's Item ID - The desired Item must be active in - If Name and Item ID are both populated for an Item, both must be provided to correctly identify that Item |
Vendor Credit Line Item Qty | No | No | NA | The quantity of items purchased in this line item | - Must be a number - Up to 5 decimal places supported |
Vendor Credit Line Item Unit Cost | No | No | NA | The cost of one unit of this item | - Must be in the range of -9999999 to 9999999 - Does not support fractions of cents - If this is left blank, it will appear as blank; this is treated as $0.00 - Accepts values with or without a $; negative values must omit the $ |
Vendor Credit Line Item Employee ID | No | No | 40 characters | The ID of the employee that this line item is coded to, if supported by your accounting system and enabled in | - Requires an exact match with the desired Employee ID -The desired Employee must be active in |
Vendor Credit Line Item Class Name | No | No | 40 characters | The Name of the Class that this line item is coded to, if supported by your accounting system and enabled in | - Reqires an exact match with the desired Class's Name - If Name and Class ID are both populated for a Class, both must be provided to correctly identify that Class - The desired Class must be active in |
Vendor Credit Line Item Class ID | No | No | 40 characters | The Class ID of the Class that this line item is coded to, if supported by your accounting system and enabled in | - Reqires an exact match with the desired Class's Class ID - If Name and Class ID are both populated for a Class, both must be provided to correctly identify that Class - The desired Class must be active in |
Account Setup View all
Making Payments to your Vendor View all
Getting Paid by your Customer View all