QuickBooks Desktop: Bills
By default, Bills are a one-way sync from Bill.com to QuickBooks Desktop. 2-way bill sync is available for you to enable.
If 2-way bill sync isn't enabled
Any new bills or edits made to bills within QuickBooks won't be synced to Bill.com.
For open bills that were in QuickBooks Desktop prior to setting up the integration with Bill.com, there are 2 options in how to handle them:
Option 1 Finish the open bills in QuickBooks Desktop via the previous process, enter any new bills going forward in Bill.com and allow them to sync to QuickBooks Desktop going forward.
Option 2
- Re-create or import those bills into Bill.com
- Delete the originals out of QuickBooks Desktop
- If the originals aren't deleted out of QuickBooks Desktop, the recreated bills that sync from Bill.com will create duplicates
If 2-way bill sync is enabled
With QuickBooks Desktop 2-way bill sync enabled we'll sync:
- New fully unpaid bills from QuickBooks Desktop
- Bill edits from QuickBooks Desktop
- Bill deletes from QuickBooks Desktop
Enable 2-way bill sync
Requirement: The 2-way bill sync feature will require sync dashboard version #2.1.3561.1 or later.
- Once enabled, this feature can't be disabled
- Once enabled, new bills created going forward will have 2-way sync
- Bills created before 2-way bill sync will have 2-way bill sync if edits are performed to those bills
To enable, users with the Sync with Accounting System permission will:
- Select Settings
- Select Preferences under Sync
- Select the Edit icon
- Select the box next to Sync bills from QuickBooks desktop to BDC
- Select Yes to confirm
- Select Save
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