Schedule and manage a recurring bill

If you have a recurring monthly, quarterly, or annual bill, use the recurring bill feature to automatically create those bills, even if you need approvers.

Tip: Want to have the payment automatically debited for these recurring bills? See Resources at the bottom of this page on how to set up a vendor for Auto Pay!

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Schedule recurring bills

  1. Select Bills in the navigation menu
  2. Select the Recurring Bills tab
  3. Select Enter a Bill
  4. Select Recurring under Bill frequency
    • Tip: If Artificial Intelligence detects that you create a similar bill at least once a month for the same vendor, we'll suggest creating a recurring bill the next time you create a bill for that vendor
  5. Enter the schedule information for the recurring bill:
    • Next Due Date: The due date for the next bill to be created for this vendor.
      • The Bill Date (GL Posting Date) is calculated based on the Due Date minus the vendor's Payment Terms. If there are no payment terms set for the vendor, the Bill Date will be equal to the Due Date
    • Repeats every: How often the bill should be created
    • Create bill: How many days in advance the bill should be created By default this is set to 30, but any value between 1 and 365 is allowed
    • Ends: The date this recurring bill will cease to be scheduled. Alternatively, select Never. The end date should be at least one day after the date that the last bill is created to ensure that the final bill is generated
    • Select Set up automatic payments to automatically schedule payment upon bill creation
      • Recurring bills that need to be on automatic payments will need to be set up by a bank authorized user. If the recurring bill is set up by a non bank authorized user the system will make the bill inactive.
      • If you select automatic payments, you won't be able to add approvers, and if vendor level autopay is enabled it'll be disabled as only one type of autopay can be enabled.
      • BILL will schedule the automatic payment to arrive on the due date of the bill.
      • If you select a vendor's bank account and later make that bank account inactive, autopay will still attempt to use that bank account to run the payment. The bank account must be updated on the recurring bill.
  6. Enter the Bill details:
    • Amount: Enter the total bill amount
    • Bill description: Open field to add information for others reviewing and/or paying the bill. This field isn't required, but providing information is good practice
    • Expenses and items: Enter optional items and expenses, the total amount of expenses and items must match the Amount of the bill
  7. Enter Approvers (optional, and only if you don't select automatic payments):
    • Select the required approvers
    • To add more than two approvers, select + Add More Approvers
  8. Select Save
    • Note: The first recurring bill will be created upon saving.

On the specified date, the recurring bill will be created with an invoice number that matches the bill due date. Any bills that are specified to be created today or earlier will be created within the next 30 minutes.

Calculate the recurring bill due date

  • When creating recurring bills, calculates the Bill Date (GL Posting Date) based on the Due Date minus the vendor's Payment Terms
  • If there are no payment terms established for a vendor, the Bill Date will be equal to the Due Date
  • To change the bill date, navigate to the vendor's page to edit the vendor's payment terms

Delete a recurring bill schedule

If you no longer a scheduled recurring bill, you can delete the schedule to stop the automatic creation of those bills. Any bills already created won't be deleted.

  1. Select Bills in the navigation menu
  2. Select the Recurring Bills tab
  3. Select View Details under Bill Type on the row of the schedule you'd like to delete, and select Delete
  4. Select Yes to confirm the deletion

Edit a recurring bill schedule

If you need to change the details for a scheduled recurring bill, you can edit the schedule. Changes apply to all bills for that recurring bill schedule going forward, changes will not apply to existing bills.

Edit from recurring bills tab

  1. Select Bills in the navigation menu.
  2. Select the Recurring Bills tab.
  3. Select View details under Bill Type on the recurring setup you'd like to edit, and select Edit
    • Tip: you can also select Edit recurring bill series on a bill created from the recurring setup to edit
  4. Select Save to confirm the update

Note: if you need to edit approvers or line items, follow the process to edit from an existing bill below.

Restore a deleted recurring bill schedule

If you need to restore a scheduled recurring bill that you previously deleted, you can undelete the schedule to start the automatic creation of those bills again. If one or more scheduled creation dates have passed while the recurring schedule was deleted, those won't retroactively create. Manually create those bills if you need them.

  1. Select Bills in the navigation menu
  2. Select the Recurring Bills tab
  3. Select Filters, and select Deleted under Bill status
  4. Select the three dots on the recurring setup you'd like to restore
  5. Select Audit Trail
  6. Hover over Details and select Details
  7. Select the trash can icon
  8. Make any necessary changes on the schedule and select Save

Things to know

  • If Artificial Intelligence detects that you create a similar bill at least once a month for the same vendor, we'll suggest creating a recurring bill the next time you create a bill for that vendor.
  • Customers and billable settings aren't available on the recurring bill setup at this time. You can add customers and adjust billable line items by editing the bill directly, after the recurring bill is created each month.
  • Recurring bills don't include the automatic payment of the bills unless you select autopay
  • If a document goes with a recurring bill, attach the document from the Inbox after the recurring bill is created each month
  • Recurring bills are usually created around midnight, the date of the creation date set for the recurring bill
    • If you enter the 31st for the next due date, we'll create the bill with a due date of the last day of any month with fewer days (For example: If you choose the 31st, the February bill dues date will be February 28)