Sage Intacct Sync Error: No bank has been selected to pay the transactions or Enter a valid bank account, and try again

Why the sync error occurs

There are three possible reasons this error would occur:

  1. The payment account selected is not associated with a checking account or a charge account (for credit card payments) in Sage Intacct.
    •℠ Clearing Checking Account is not set up and associated with a Clearing GL account
    • Charge card account is not associated with the credit card payment account selected
  2. The sync user doesn't have the correct user permissions to the Cash Management module
  3. The payment account listed on the payment in is not account type bank

How to fix the sync error

Reason #1

Setup the Clearing Checking Account & GL account or charge card account in Sage Intacct.

Reason #2

Update permissions for the Sync user in Sage Intacct.

Reason #3

Edit the payment account to an account of type Bank