Import records & transactions using .CSV files

When using an accounting system that we don't have a direct integration with, utilize our Import feature using .CSV files.

Important Note: If you sync with an accounting system, we don't recommend importing records via CSV into unless they don’t exist in your accounting system at all to avoid duplicates and sync errors.

  1. Select Settings
  2. Select Import / Export
  3. Select Import next to the record type you're importing
  4. Select Browse
  5. Select the .CSV file to import
  6. Select Upload
    • This will lead to the Import Preview page where the information to be imported will be displayed
      • Action column: Create vs Update
        • Create: There's no matching record, this line item will be created as a new record
        • Update: There's a matching record, this line item will update the existing record
    • If the file selected is unable to be uploaded due to errors in the formatting or missing information, there will be an error message
  7. Review and correct any errors
  8. Select Import
    • The Import History page will be displayed, which provides details about the import process, including the time of the import and whether the information was imported successfully
  9. If the Import says Failed in the Status column, select View in the Action column to see more details about why the import failed
    • Download the error report, correct any errors in the import file, and try the import again, if needed

Things to know

  • The user permission required for importing data is Sync with Accounting System plus the corresponding permissions for the object
  • The maximum size of the imported csv file is 2MB