How your invited vendors set up their account partners with BILL to connect businesses for payments. BILL is a payment services platform that lets your vendor manage their own payment details and get paid directly to their bank account. Once you invite your vendor, they'll receive an email to create a subscription-free BILL account and start receiving ePayments.

Benefits for your vendor signing up for a subscription-free Basic Receivables account

Basic Receivables accounts are completely free of transaction and subscription fees!

  • Once they've successfully added a bank account, payments to them will be directly deposited
  • They'll be able to manage multiple customers who use or BILL to pay them all in one account
  • They can explore the Network and connect with other customers using or BILL
  • Send eInvoices to you and other or BILL users
  • Receive documents in their Inbox
  • Manage invoices and record offline payments
  • …and more!

How the vendor accepts your invite

  1. In the invite email, they select Accept Invitation and will be redirected to the BILL signup page
    vendor invite email
  2. They'll then fill out some information about themselves and create a password, then select Create account
    • If you have already entered information on your vendor's record, some fields will be pre-filled
      Step 1 - Sign up page
  3. They'll then enter their mobile number for 2-step verification and select Send code
    • This is the number where we'll send a code to verify them when they log in, add a bank, or add users
      BasicSignup 2 MultiFactorSetup
  4. They'll then enter the six-digit code we send them and select Submit
    BasicSignup 3 ConfirmCode
  5. They'll then select their account type
    Step 2 - Account type
  6. Then they enter some information about
    • Their company and select Next
      Step 3 - Org interview
    • Or themselves and select Next
      BasicSignup 5a IndividualInfo
  7. If they're with a business, they'll need to enter the company owner's information
    • This information is required by federal compliance laws
      BasicSignup 6 BusinesOwner
  8. They'll then enter their bank account information
    • We'll send a test deposit of $0.01 (a penny) to verify their bank account
      BasicSignup 7 AddBank

And that's it! Their subscription-free Basic Receivables account is ready to accept payments from you.

Note: If your vendor doesn't accept the invitation within 60 days, it will expire. Send a new invitation if you'd still like them to sign up.

Identity Verification

In some cases, we'll need additional information to verify their account. If so, on the Overview page, they'll see an additional step to complete: Verify your identity to activate your bank account Verify identity onboarding card