Oracle NetSuite Accounts Receivables sync: Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Oracle NetSuite Accounts Receivable (AR) sync allows you to sync Accounts Receivables between NetSuite and

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Which accounts are eligible for this feature?

Accounts that:

  • Sync with Oracle NetSuite

Is AR sync available by default?

No, AR sync is not available by default. It is an additional setting that needs to be enabled.

How can I have this feature enabled?

This feature is currently available for new accounts only. This feature can be enabled during the implementation process.

How does the AR sync work?

The following will have a 2-way sync:

  • Customers / Sub-customers
  • Items
  • Invoice creation

The following will be a 1-way sync from to Oracle NetSuite:

  • Partially or Fully Paid Invoices
  • Receivables payments
  • Receivables funds transfers
  • Receivables payment voids

The following will be a 1-way sync from Oracle Netsuite to

  • Invoice edits
  • Sales Tax on an invoice
  • Shipping items
  • Sales Order number

The following will not sync:

  • Credit memos
  • Non-USD invoices
  • Invoice attachments


  • Custom forms, custom segments, custom workflows: Customizations and configurations requiring a non-syncable field as mandatory in NetSuite will prevent objects and transaction from syncing from to NetSuite
  • Classifications at the header level: There is an option in the preferences in NetSuite to set a default for value for Class, Department, and Location on transactions. These defaults will also apply to invoices. This could cause issues for accounts using Multi-Location Inventory (MLI) if you need to code invoices to locations other than the default.
  • Non-USD transactions: Invoices created in non-USD currencies will not sync to
  • Credit Memos: Credit Memos do not currently sync in either direction and have to be manually created and applied in both systems
  • Taxable items that are selected as non-tax on the line item of an invoice in Oracle NetSuite with multiple line items will sync to and show as a $0 tax line item
  • Discount Items:
    • Discount items at the header level of an invoice in Oracle NetSuite will not sync to
    • Discount Items at the line item level will sync into as a line item from Oracle NetSuite. It will not be editable in
      • Discount line items will apply to the line item directly above it only
      • Discounts in Oracle NetSuite can be a percentage, but only the amount of that discount line item will sync to The percentage will not show in
      • If you create an invoice in and select a discount line item, when it syncs to NetSuite the discount will be applied to the entire amount of the invoice, i.e. at the header level.
      • Best Practice:
        • If you would like the discount applied at the header level, create the invoice in
        • If you would like the discount applied at the line item level, create the invoice in Oracle NetSuite
  • Shipping items on invoices:
    • Shipping items used on an invoice in Oracle NetSuite will sync is as line items on the invoice in, which will add the associated amount to the invoice total
    • Best practice is to manage shipping items on invoices in Oracle Netsuite, because selecting shipping items when creating an invoice in will not sync back to Oracle NetSuite, it will surface a sync error
  • Sales Order: Sales order numbers at the header level of invoices will be synced into as a line item from Oracle NetSuite. It will not be editable in
  • Sales Tax: Sales tax on an invoice will sync into as a line item from Oracle NetSuite. It will not be editable in
    • If there is a tax code applied to an item on an invoice in Oracle NetSuite, in it will show up as a separate tax line item for each invoice item

Are there preferences for AR in Oracle NetSuite?

Yes. On the Transactions subtab on preferences within Oracle NetSuite, there are new fields for default classifications on payments that sync in from

  • If Classifications: Classes, Locations, and/or Departments on Receivables transactions are set as required/mandatory within Oracle NetSuite settings, choose those defaults for these classifications
    • Note: Default Classifications applies to all Receivables transaction types, including invoices preferences for AR - small

What are best practices for this feature?

  • If using custom forms, custom segments, or custom workflows in Oracle NetSuite, don’t make non-syncable fields mandatory
  • If using Multi-Location Inventory for Invoices, don’t select defaults for Class. Departments and Locations on transactions in preferences within Oracle NetSuite
  • If needing full configuration of items, i.e.: coding to more than one GL, create items in Oracle NetSuite
  • Discounts:
    • If you would like the discount applied at the header level, create the invoice in
      • If you would like the discount applied at the line item level, create the invoice in Oracle NetSuite
  • Manage shipping items on invoices in Oracle NetSuite