Delete or reverse a duplicate funds transfer

If you sync with accounting system and you see a duplicate funds transfer in your accounting system resulting in a negative variance in your BILL Money Out Clearing, you'll need to manually delete or reverse the duplicate.

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Delete a duplicate funds transfer in QuickBooks Online

  1. Select Company in QuickBooks Online
  2. Select Make Journal Entries
  3. Select Previous or Next until you get to the duplicate
  4. Select Edit
  5. Select Delete General Journal

Delete a duplicate funds transfer in QuickBooks Desktop / QuickBooks Enterprise

  1. Select Lists in QuickBooks
  2. Select Chart of Accounts
  3. Select the BILL Money Out Clearing
  4. Select the duplicate Journal Entry
  5. Select Edit Transaction
  6. Select Delete

Delete a duplicate funds transfer in Xero

  1. Select Accounting in Xero
  2. Select Reports
  3. Select Accounting
  4. Select Journal Report
  5. Select Manual Journals
  6. Select the duplicate Journal Entry
  7. Select Journal Options
  8. Select Edit
  9. Select Delete

Delete a duplicate funds transfer in Sage Intacct

  1. Select Application in Sage Intacct
  2. Select General Ledger
  3. Select Journal Entries
  4. Select Cash Disbursements Journal
  5. Select View Transactions
  6. Select the duplicate entry
    • Check box on the far left to reverse the entry
    • Check box on the far right to delete the entry
  7. Select Reverse or Delete depending on your selection
  8. Select Ok

Delete a duplicate funds transfer in Oracle NetSuite

  1. Select Application in Oracle NetSuite
  2. Select Transactions
  3. Select Financial
  4. Select Make Journal Entries
  5. Select List
  6. Select Edit on the Journal Entry
  7. Select Reverse or Delete depending on your configuration