Recent Icon

The Recent Icon makes it easier to jump back to a recently viewed place in
Recent icon

  • Select each listed item to navigate to that page; it doesn't open a new tab

  • The list will immediately update based on the pages/items you last visited

  • The list is maintained at a user level, so you will see recent pages you've visited, not any that another user has visited

  • Close the card by selecting the X, the Recent icon in the menu, or simply anywhere outside of the card

  • Pages and items visible will depend on your permissions

    • if you had access to an item, and your permissions are changed, the list item will still appear in your recent list (until you visit enough pages that it falls off), but when you select it, you will see an error page
  • The types of items that will be listed in the recent list are:

    • Bills
    • Vendors
    • Vendor Credits
    • Payments
    • Documents
    • Invoices
    • Customers
    • Payments Received

Recent list