Manage Credit Card Bills and Receipts allows you to record payments you make to your credit cards, and record payments made via a credit card. The steps below work with all accounting system versions we sync with, except Xero.

Record payments made via Credit Card

Use this process to record payments you make with your credit card.

Create the bill with the statement:

  1. Send each credit card receipt to your Inbox
  2. Select Enter bill or Review and Save on the credit card receipt in your Inbox
  3. Enter information about the receipt
  4. Select Save

Mark the bill as paid:

  1. Select Bills in the navigation menu
  2. Select the bill for the credit card receipt
  3. Select More actions
  4. Select Mark as paid
  5. In the Chart of Account field, choose a credit card GL account (for the Payment Account)
  6. Select Submit

Next time you sync, the credit card transactions will post directly to the credit card account you selected in the accounting system.

Pay credit card bills

Use this process to make your monthly payments toward your credit card statements.

Create the bill:

  1. Send the credit card bill to the Inbox
  2. Select Enter bill or Review and Save on the credit card bill in the Inbox
  3. Enter information about the credit card bill
  4. Code the bill, selecting the credit card account that's been designated for credit card receipts
  5. Select Save

Mark the bill as paid:

  1. Select Overview in the navigation menu
  2. Pay the bill via
    • You may be able to set up ePayments with the credit card provider, if they are in the Network)

Next time you sync, this bill payment will balance/offset the transactions in the credit card account you selected in the accounting system.

For Xero or any other accounting systemss that you use our Import/Export feature with:

We recommend using to track only Payables, and recording credit card charges in the accounting system.

However, to store credit card receipts / bill paid via credit card in there are two options:

  • Use the Documents function in to store credit card receipts as Vendor Documents for record-keeping requirements. To do this, send the documents into your Inbox via email or drag and drop, then process the file in the Inbox as a Vendor Document.