Protecting against phishing and other scams
Phishing is the illegal attempt to steal money and/or sensitive information using phone calls, email messages, or websites.
Criminals often attempt phishing by posing as legitimate companies, such as replicas of websites, emails, or social engineering, to convince you to either provide personal information or install malicious software on your computer.
Best practices
Most organizations follow best practices in all communications to customers. Things to know about legitimate BILL communications:
- We'll never ask you to provide credit card or ACH information in an email or over the phone
- Emails from BILL never contain ZIP or EXE attachments
- All links in BILL emails will point to BILL URLs (beginning with,,,
- Hover over a link to see the link's full URL in the bottom left corner of the browser
- BILL never sends email to your BILL Inbox.
Tips to help recognize phishing attempts and avoiding scams:
Spelling and Grammar
- If you receive an email from a familiar or well-known source with poor grammar and spelling errors, this may indicate a scam
- Real companies generally keep copy editors and technical writers on staff to ensure only well-polished emails are sent to their users
- Never download attachments from an unfamiliar source or from an email you suspect may not be legitimate
- Ensure your anti-virus software is up to date
- Be especially suspicious of ZIP and EXE files, but keep in mind that even documents can contain a virus
- Emails which threaten to shut down or block your account unless you reply, select a link, or provide information, may be phishing scams
Please forward all phishing emails to
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