iOS Mobile App: Uploading documents

Use our award-winning mobile app to upload documents directly to your BILL Inbox.

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Uploading from the dashboard

  1. In your BILL app, tap the plus sign (+) in the top right corner
  2. Tap Upload a Document
  3. Take a picture of the document or select one already on your mobile device by tapping Choose (the image icon)
    • For a multi-page document select the Multi-page option, then Take a picture of each page of the document
  4. Tap Upload to Inbox or tap More . . . for additional options:
    • New bill
    • New invoice
    • Add to existing bill
    • Add to exiting invoice
    • Add to vendor
    • Add to customer

Uploading from the Inbox

  1. On the Inbox screen in your BILL app, tap the plus sign (+) in the top right corner
  2. Tap one of the following:
    • Take a photo
      1. Take a picture of your document
      2. Tap Upload To Inbox
    • Upload an image
      1. Tap the image you want to upload
      2. Tap Upload to Inbox
    • Upload a file
      1. Tap the file you want to upload

Uploading from a Vendor or Customer record

  1. From your Vendor or Customer record in your BILL app, tap Documents
  2. Tap the plus sign (+) in the top right corner
  3. Tap one of the following
    • Take a photo
      1. Take a picture of your document
      2. Tap Finish
    • Upload an image
      1. Tap the image you want to upload
      2. Tap Finish
    • Upload a file
      1. Tap the file you want to upload

Uploading while creating a Receivables invoice

  1. From the invoice create screen in your BILL app, enter details for the invoice
  2. Tap the plus sign (+) next to Attachments
  3. Take a picture of the document or select one already on your mobile device by tapping Choose (the image icon)
    • For a multi-page document select the Multi-page option, then Take a picture of each page of the document
  4. Tap Finish
  5. Tap Done
  6. Tap:
    • Send to customer to send, then tap send
    • Save and add new to save without sending and create a new invoice
    • Save and close to save without sending and view the invoice you just created