Android Mobile App: Setting a new PIN after a password change

When you sign in to the BILL mobile app for the first time, you will set a special sign in PIN after entering your BILL password.

For security reasons, your PIN will be disabled if you change your password and you'll need to take a few steps to get back into the BILL mobile app.

After changing your password

  1. Uninstall the BILL mobile app from your phone or tablet
  2. Reinstall the app from the Google Play Store on your Android device
  3. Sign in to the app with your new BILL password
  4. Set a new 4-digit PIN

Things to know

  • If you have an existing BILL account, you can use the same email address and password to sign in to the mobile app.
  • If you do not have an existing account, you must first create an account through the desktop website, then you can use the same email address and password to sign in to the mobile app.