Oracle NetSuite Sync Error: Could not apply payments to Bill, XXXX
Why the Sync Error occurs
This error occurs when the sync is unable to apply a payment to a bill in Oracle NetSuite for one of the following reasons:
- The bill being paid has already been paid in Oracle NetSuite
- The bill being paid is 'Unapproved' in NetSuite
- The bill being paid does not exist in NetSuite
- The bill being paid exists in Oracle NetSuite, but is not in the payment section
How to Fix the Sync Error
- If the bill being paid has already been paid in Oracle NetSuite, contact Customer Support so we can mark the payment not to sync
- If the bill being paid is 'Unapproved' in Oracle NetSuite, please approve the bill in NetSuite and re-sync the payment
- If the bill being paid does not exist in Oracle NetSuite, choose the option to resync the bill/review the bill’s sync error
- If the bill being paid exists in Oracle NetSuite, but is not in the payment section, update the to/from field under “apply” to make sure that it captures the invoice date of that bill
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