Audit trails
Accessing an audit trail
Open the record you'd like to see the audit trail for:
- Select More actions
- Select View audit trail or Audit trail
Audit trail details
Audit trail details are displayed in the following columns:
- When: The date stamp of when the change occurred
- Who: The user or action that caused the change
- Type: The kind of action
- What: The item that was updated
- Field: The actual field that was updated
- Old value: What was listed before the update
- New Value: What the value was updated to
Commonly found in the WHO column:
- The user name who performed the action
- Username-Sync: Changes on this line were performed by a sync, meaning changes originated in the accounting system and synced to
- Username-API: Action was performed through an API function or though the mobile app
- System: Action was performed by the system due to an auto function being enabled, or a related action happened
- An example of a related action is when a payment is created, the audit trail of a bill or invoice will show System updating the transaction to paid from unpaid
Commonly found in the TYPE column:
- Create: when the item was created
- Edit: an item was updated
Things to know
- An audit trail is normally listed in descending order (most recent activity first)
- Find the first action in the audit trail by locating the Create line, which is when the item was created
- Change the sort order by selecting the column name in the header
- The What column for line items on bills will always display the current line item amount/bill amount
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